Monday, August 6, 2007

Mo Willems: For New Readers and Wannabe Actresses

My Easy Reader pick of the day was found by my 7 year old in our local library. She's a huge fan of the wonderful author/illustrator Mo Willems (of Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! fame), so I wasn't surprised when she selected two books from his Elephant and Piggie series.

In Today I Will Fly!, Piggie is determined to take off into the wild blue yonder, but his elephant friend Gerald is a big party pooper who thinks Piggie is off his rocker.

Of course, Piggie is extremely determined and does indeed find a way to take off. The hilarious dialogue between the two friends is classic Willems, and is continued in My Friend is Sad (Elephant and Piggie) another book from the same series.

In this book, Piggie tries to help Gerald cheer up, but, despite Piggie's memorable attempts, Gerald is still sad. At the end of the book, kids are reminded how much nicer it is to share fun with a friend.

Aside from the sweet, funny text, this book offers a kind of "script" that kids will love to act out. The back and forth between Piggie and Elephant makes for great reading practice for early readers and you'll find that even older kids (like my 9 year old) are more than willing to get in on the action.

I think Mo's books are brilliant in this way -- for picky or reluctant readers they are a great way to have some fun and practice reading aloud at the same time.

You'll never laugh so hard as when the kiddos in your life imitate an elephant who is imitating a robot! Now that is entertainment.

Enjoy this series -- it gets two thumbs up from my own little early reader -- and two more from me!

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