Saturday, August 11, 2007

Picture Book Pick: On Meadowview Street

Think Green. It's a motto our daughters know by heart. But as a parent I can't help wondering -- by the time they reach adulthood, what will be the state of our environment?

For now, as our children are prompted to reduce, reuse, and recycle, I recommend reading On Meadowview Street, a lovely picture book by author/illustrator Henry Cole.

The premise of this story may be difficult for some adults to handle -- young Caroline and her family move into a new house on a suburban street where everyone's house and yard look identical. But when Caroline decides to protect a flower she's found in her new yard, she suddenly has a miniature wildflower preserve on her hands. When she finds another beautiful flower nearby, what does she do?

Why, she expands the boundaries of her preserve, of course.

Parents may have a hard time finding this story believable -- my own family lives in a subdivision loaded down with restrictions. But when Caroline's father gives in to her plan -- and puts the lawn mower up for sale -- what beleagured homeowner won't take a moment to proclaim an internal "Hip, hip, hooray!?"

This picture book is precious -- my girls loved it and immediately wanted Daddy to start digging them a frog pond. Alas, that was the heartbreaking moment when I had to explain to them that we aren't allowed to put a pond in our front yard. Their big eyes stared at me, forlorn.

"Would we if we could, Mom?" my little one asked.

"You bet," I said, kissing the top of her head. I think tomorrow we'll head to the nearest nature preserve and see what we've been missing.

Our children are amazing -- who doesn't believe that they don't have what it takes to change the world? Allow them to imagine the possibilities -- read On Meadowview Street.

Have a great day!


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